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Comunque la minaccia non è sparita. Come sapete, negli ultimi mesi, Footballia a rischiato di scomparire. Abbiamo migliorato la protezione, ma per questo motivo, le nostre spese sono aumentate.
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Molti ci avete chiesto come potete aiutare il progetto. Il modo migliore è abbonarsi su Footballia Master. Non solo renderete il progetto più forte, ma otterrete un sacco di funzionalità fighe.
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Se podrá decir que España jugó con más de la mitad de suplentes, pero dado el nivel de las ligas donde se desempeñaban los jugadores españoles, Arabia le hizo partidazo. Me gusta cuando selecciones pequeñas le hacen frente a las grandes, sigo soñando en que algún día todos los países serán equitativos y no no pesarán los nombres, ni la camiseta, ni la historia. Si en este partido Arabia hubiese tenido un definidor estábamos hablando de un empate y muy merecido. Gracias por compartir, he terminado de ver la primera fase de este gran mundial, que lo disfrute en parte a mis 18 años. Belleza volver a recordar.. Mil gracias amigos de Footbalia.
Hi, Footballia, I have a question, why when I put complete screen to see the match bigger, automaticly the screen goes as it was before of putting it with complete screen?
There are two possible causes. Either you're using Safari and you need to upload it, or an advert is interfering with the full-screen mode and you need to wait a few seconds until the advert is gone.
why did you cut out the anthems
We didn't. This is how we received the video.
This was a great showing by my national team saudi arabia, Too bad Saad al harthi didn't score that easy ball given to him by noor, speaking of noor this match was the match of his life, in my book he was the man of the match he did it all defended, was deadly on the attacking front too bad this was his last match at a world cup.