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Soviet Union vs. East Germany

Soviet Union vs. East Germany cijela utakmica

Olympic Games 1972

Prenio korisnik: M. Apicella2 Komentara4172 PogledaNema komentatora

The bronze medal was shared by both countries. Decades later it was discovered that the Soviet team fixed the match to share the medal because they didn't want to play as they had been eliminated in the semi-finals.

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  1. Lukittaz 28. Prosinac 2020. 01:09


  2. MagicDip 22. Kolovoz 2018. 22:02

    The Soviet n°8 was Vyacheslav Semyonov. Porkuyan didn't represent Soviet Union in the Olympic Games.

  3. Footballia
    Footballia 24. Siječanj 2019. 13:29

    You're right, thank you! Sorry we'd missed this comment!