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Shimizu S-Pulse vs. Yokohama F. Marinos

Shimizu S-Pulse vs. Yokohama F. Marinos cijela utakmica

J. League 1993

Prenio korisnik: Footballia user0 Komentara89 PogledaJapanski

Until 1995, club names contained the name of the respective companies that created the professional clubs. Shimizu S-Pulse was known as "Shimizu FC S-Pulse", while the Yokohama F. Marinos was called "Nissan F.C. Yokohama Marinos". Some parts of the match are lost because the recording cut out commercial breaks during the game, a common practice on japanese television during the 1990s.

1st stage - 8th Sec
Nihondaira Sports Park Stadium (Shizuoka)
9. Lipanj 1993.
Prikaži rezultat1 : 2

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