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Netherlands vs. Saudi Arabia

Netherlands vs. Saudi Arabia cijela utakmica

World Cup 1994

Cijelo natjecanje
World Cup 1994
Novo!Pogledajte golove utakmice prikazom rezultata u odjeljku s postavama.
Group stage, matchday 1
RFK Stadium (Washington)
20. Lipanj 1994.
x 1234520 glasova

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  1. Waleed 17. Travanj 2020. 23:20

    Unfortunately, the game is missing the first minute, which has one of the most exciting 40 seconds for any Saudi fan. The kick off was with the Saudi team, and in our first time ever in the WC, we had many passes, and before any Netherland player touch the ball, we almost scored by Majed Abdullah by his header. I swear I saw it a goal, and I jumped so high and screamed. Majed was injured, he only played two halves in the whole WC while he was injured. He was 36 at the end of his career, otherwise, he would have left few marks.

  2. bdot187um 4. Srpanj 2019. 09:55

    This got to be one of the best 90 minutes we had in a world cup we were attacking at times majed abdullah had a few easy chances to score even hamaza Idris his substitution was dangerous at times holland Surprisingly didn't control the match, our defense was Suspect at times but the midfield made up for them, and above all that we had a young and superb goalkeeper in Mohammed al deayea I know that the two goals were ultimately his mistakes but if you really look at it, he covered our behinds for the most part, if it wasn't for him the score line for Holland would have been at least 4 or five in their favor. Oh I almost forgot to mention fahad Al Harifi our number 8 he played an excellent game and helped fuad anwar score that beautiful header. Good times man good times... these type of matches that makes you proud of your national team and your country.

  3. Pandafan94 18. Srpanj 2018. 08:51

    The Saudis looked deadly at times but their finishing was off and took one too many touches

  4. bdot187um
    bdot187um 4. Srpanj 2019. 09:57
