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Euro 2012
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Euro 2012
Group stage, matchday 1
Metalist Stadium (Kharkiv)
9. Lipanj 2012.
x 1234510 glasova

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  1. Alejandro Ramírez Arango 14. Lipanj 2021. 22:05

    Jetro Willems (18 años y 71 días) se convierte en el jugador más joven en ser titular en un partido en toda la historia de la Eurocopa. Jetro Willems (18 years and 71 days) becomes the youngest player to start a match in the entire history of the European Championship. Jetro Willems (18 ans et 71 jours) devient le plus jeune joueur à débuter un match de toute l'histoire du Championnat d'Europe.

  2. Aarontvd 7. Siječanj 2018. 00:44

    How come it's only 54 minutes

  3. Footballia
    Footballia 7. Siječanj 2018. 10:44

    That's just the file for the 1st half. The 2nd half is in a separate file that plays after the 1st. Check the information section above.