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Manchester City vs. Huddersfield Town

Manchester City vs. Huddersfield Town cijela utakmica

Premier League 2017-2018


After this match, Manchester City celebrated the 2017-18 Premier League title, where they reached 100 points, with 32 victories, 4 ties and 2 defeats.

Premier League 2017-2018
Week 37
City of Manchester Stadium (Manchester)
6. Svibanj 2018.
x 123453 glasova

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  1. pivote 5. Lipanj 2018. 21:36

    Man City reached a record 100 points by beating Southampton on the final day, not in this which was two games earlier.

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 8. Lipanj 2018. 09:51

    Yes, the caption says they reached 100 points in this league, not in this match :-)