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Euro 2016
Ova je utakmica podijeljena u 2 datoteke. Neka se prvi video reprodukuje do kraja bez zaustavljanja, a sljedeći će se pokrenuti automatski.
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Euro 2016
Group stage, matchday 1
Vélodrome (Marseille)
11. Lipanj 2016.
x 1234512 glasova

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  1. Parkerjac211 18. Travanj 2020. 19:32

    Just found this site and its amazing! Is there a way to watch the games without the constant buffering?

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 19. Travanj 2020. 10:20

    That's a momentary problem due to heavy traffic which is frequent these days due to the quarantine. However, we encourage you to try at another time because it works fine most of the time.

  3. Mariofb 18. Travanj 2020. 17:08

    Es posible cambiar el idioma del audio?

  4. Footballia
    Footballia 19. Travanj 2020. 10:18

    Por favor, consulta la sección FAQs en cuanto al idioma de los partidos.

  5. Brenden breezley 16. Lipanj 2019. 06:59

    Absolute letoff from England.

  6. Der Profi digga 28. Prosinac 2017. 12:17

    Comunque il gol era di Glushakov, non di Berezutski

  7. Footballia
    Footballia 28. Prosinac 2017. 12:23

    La palla sembra essere già dentro quando la tocca Glushakov.