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England vs. Poland

England vs. Poland cijela utakmica

World Cup Qualification 1973

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  1. angel22233 10. Rujan 2020. 12:15

    Poland Poland Poland

  2. game4cesc 25. Travanj 2020. 14:53

    Thanks a lot for having this historic game in your library. The commentary is not in English as it says in the match info, however.

  3. Footballia
    Footballia 25. Travanj 2020. 15:25

    You're right. Thank you for pointing out the mistake.

  4. Saku 19. Travanj 2020. 10:35

    Great England match, stakes, goal shots but impenetrable wall of Poland.Great Currie and Channon in this match

  5. pistaman 16. Rujan 2019. 03:20

    England kkkkkkkkk