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Dynamo Kyiv vs. Manchester United

Dynamo Kyiv vs. Manchester United cijela utakmica

Champions League 2000-2001

1st group stage, matchday 2
Olimpiyskiy (Kyiv)
19. Rujan 2000.

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  1. Apple 27. Siječanj 2019. 03:58

    Then I want to watch the matches on TV, how?

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 27. Siječanj 2019. 11:39

    That's not our field of expertise, but you can always hook up your computer to your tv or through Chromecast or a similar device.

  3. navid 20. Siječanj 2019. 03:56

    Hi. I can not watch and download matchs.why?

  4. Footballia
    Footballia 20. Siječanj 2019. 10:44

    Downloading is not permitted. At Footballia we work really hard to provide an appealing environment for the matches so we can obtain visitors. Without those visits this project just wouldn't be viable.