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CR Flamengo vs. EC Bahia

CR Flamengo vs. EC Bahia cijela utakmica

Campeonato Brasileiro 1981

Prenio korisnik: Pelz0 Komentara2459 PogledaPortugalski

The Flamengo of Zico, Júnior, Tita, Adílio and Nunes faces the very traditional EC Bahia in this 2nd leg of the round of 16, with the Rubronegro only needing a draw. Bahia, the very first national champion of Brazil in 1959, featured Renato, Émerson Leão's reserve in the 1974 WC, Léo Oliveria, the maestro of this Tricolor de Aço team who played in Pelé's Santos back in the late 1960s and the 1970s being something of a 12th player. The other highlight of this team was Gilson Gênio, a very skilled player that was a Fluminense legend in the 1970s playing in the famous "Máquina Tricolor". Bahia's head coach was Aimoré Moreira, Brazil's head coach in the 1962 WC.

Novo!Pogledajte golove utakmice prikazom rezultata u odjeljku s postavama.
Oitavas de final, 2o jogo
Maracanã (Rio de Janeiro)
11. Travanj 1981.

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