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Blackpool FC vs. Bolton Wanderers

Blackpool FC vs. Bolton Wanderers cijela utakmica

FA Cup 1952-1953

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FA Cup 1952-1953
Wembley (London)
2. Svibanj 1953.
x 1234549 glasova
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. Football Data 17. Lipanj 2020. 19:38

    Super match franchement je n’y aurais pas cru avant de le voir. Des le début on est dans le bain puis une fin de match fantastique auquel je n’aurais pas cru. Quel plaisir de voir Matthews premier ballon d’or, dont j’avais tant entendu parler !

  2. dammul 15. Svibanj 2020. 20:10

    This is history as much as it is football

  3. 5. Travanj 2020. 15:47

    Partidazo, con suspenso y todo hasta el final, el 7 del Blackpool hizo lo que quiso en el segundo tiempo.

  4. ozza1996 2. Studeni 2018. 20:50

    Well, I am just starting to delve into classic games after looking at historical football books for years and this is one of my favourites to start with. What a comeback from Blackpool and am so happy to watch Matthews win the FA Cup and what a show of solidarity at the end from both teams to congratulate him. Wouldn't see that nowadays