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Bayern München vs. Real Madrid

Bayern München vs. Real Madrid cijela utakmica

European Cup 1975-1976

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European Cup 1975-1976
Semi-final, 2nd leg
Olympiastadion (München)
14. Travanj 1976.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. Kádymo 13. Rujan 2020. 21:22

    O faro de gol de Gerhard Müller era muito absurdo. Ele é, com certeza, o melhor e maior centro-avante europeu de todos os tempos.

  2. MagicDip 28. Ožujak 2016. 09:09

    Sorry then :)

  3. Footballia
    Footballia 28. Ožujak 2016. 11:49

    No problem! Thanks for your interest! :-)

  4. MagicDip 27. Ožujak 2016. 17:55

    Thanks for the game! :) Just one detail, the N°12 who substituted the injured Santillana at the 63 mn wasn't José Luis, it was Uria.

  5. Footballia
    Footballia 27. Ožujak 2016. 18:13

    Thank you for your message! However it's José Luis, the tv sign is wrong. You can see José Luis's photo here:, and you can see UEFA's official report of the game here: Thanks for your interest :-)