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AFC Ajax vs. Olympique de Marseille

AFC Ajax vs. Olympique de Marseille cijela utakmica

European Cup 1971-1972


Ajax had won the first leg by 1-2.

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European Cup 1971-1972
Round of 16, 2nd leg
Olympisch Stadion (Amsterdam)
3. Studeni 1971.
x 1234518 glasova

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  1. Patbou 1. Lipanj 2017. 01:02

    Great game involving the fabled Ajax led by the fabled duet of Cryuff and Keizer, this Marseille team weren't slouches either , they would be champions of France at the end of that year. Among the internationals they were fielding that day you had in front of the net Carmus Joseph Skoblar who would score 11 goals in 32 games for his native Yugoslavia and my fave of them all Roger Magnusson who dazzled the fans of OM during numerous seasons who ended with 14 caps in Ibrahimovicland