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AC Milan vs. Manchester United

AC Milan vs. Manchester United cijela utakmica

Champions League 2004-2005

Novo!Pogledajte golove utakmice prikazom rezultata u odjeljku s postavama.
Round of 16, 2nd leg
San Siro (Milano)
8. Ožujak 2005.
x 1234549 glasova
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. utdmaestro 2. Veljača 2021. 01:16

    giggsy should've squared it

  2. Slevin Kelevra 22. Listopad 2020. 13:57

    Madre mia con la nostagia que se siente en esa web; muchas gracias como siempre!!

  3. Jasim 8. Travanj 2020. 21:35

    Great match wow

  4. SinyorTerim 24. Ožujak 2020. 09:32

    Cant watch 2nd half how can i watch 2nd half

  5. Ultimate 13. Kolovoz 2019. 12:23

    Hey please add the 1st leg in the Old Trafford

  6. Alozuer0900 6. Ožujak 2019. 05:10

    Can you add 1st leg Old Trafford?

  7. Milanista 3. Ožujak 2019. 07:09

    thank you for uploading this match. but,i wish you can also upload the 1st leg in the old trafford please ... thank you in advance :)

  8. Alozuer0900
    Alozuer0900 23. Studeni 2019. 21:44

    Here it is I uploaded 1st leg