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Añadir un comentario
Muchas gracias por poder ver a estas dos figuras cuidando a su selección PELE Y EUSEBIO Pele si se ve lastimado y Eusebio mucha inteligencia para jugar
Eusebio vs Pelé! Two of the greatest in one match against each other. Its sad that Pele was injured but all in all this one goes easily to the Black Panther who was my MOTM too. A horrible Tournament for Brazil and a great group stage performance by Portugal. Portugal knew what to do against this fast and strong dribbling brazilian attackers. They played dirty with a lot of fouls reminding me of Portugal 2016. 7,5/10
MARADONA imho a better player than pele , ,,,Eusebio met him in Manchester a few years ago, he paid the price with knee injuries
MARADONA imho a better player than pele , ,,,Eusebio met him in Manchester a few years ago, he paid the price with knee injuries
Eusébio really made his mark in this one. Well on the way to being the player of the tournament. Brazil so disappointing.
Garrincha, Tostao and Gerson on the bench
Portugal bateu demais nesse jogo
Ganhou porque foi melhor.
This is the only match that Pelé lost in his life ( in w.cups)