Thank you!
First of all, we’d like to tell you how grateful we are to all of you who stuck by us during our offline period. Thank you so much!
Keep Footballia alive!
But the threat is not gone. As you know, in recent months, Footballia has been in danger of disappearing. We’ve improved our protection so you can keep enjoying football history, but as a consequence, our expenses have increased.
How can you help?
Many of you have asked how you can help the project. The best way is to subscribe to Footballia Master. Not only will you make the project stronger, but you’ll get a bunch of cool features in return!
Einen Kommentar beisteuern
Argentina problem was not bringing Redondo in
Un match un peu décevant avec de telles individualités. La Yougoslavie a tout gâché durant cette coupe du monde et les Pays-Bas jouent encore avec le frein à main.
A veces el ser Humano interfiere con el Destino, SI ESE PENAL ENTRABA O SI eXPULSABAN A Berkamp otra era la suerte para la Argentina en la siguiente Fase
Si alguien tiene la retransmisión de TVE, que me la pase.
Condolences to friends and family ... We will never forget You , You Sir will live forever in our hearts , may your beautiful Soul be blessed in a Better Place protected by Angels ... Long live ! ... Rest in peace and Heaven , eternal glory and Thank You for everything Mister Sir Slobodan Santrac Legend ... Saucesce prijateljima i porodici ... Nikada Vas necemo zaboraviti , zivecete vecno u nasim srcima , neka je Vasa prelepa Dusa blagoslovena na Lepsem Mestu gde je Andjeli cuvaju ... Ziveo ! ... Pocivajte u miru i Raju , neka je laka zemlja , vecna slava i veliko Hvala na svemu gospodine Slobodane Santrac Legendo ... God bless ... Boze molimo oprostite pomozite i spasite ako nije problem ... Amen ... Amin ...