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CSKA Sofia vs. Levski Sofia

CSKA Sofia vs. Levski Sofia Ganzes Spiel

Parva Liga - BLG 1983-1984

Von Morris0 Kommentare234 AufrufeBulgarisch

Never before in 36 years history of Bulgarian Parva Liga (A Grupa) had the title been decided in a direct match between the 1st and 2nd placed teams on the final matchday 30. Both eternal rivals CSKA and Levski were with equal on points and CSKA had a better goal difference, so they could win the A Grupa title for the fifth straight season if the match ended in a draw. For their part, Levski needed to win the match to secure its 15th title of the Bulgarian A Grupa. The referee of this match was the German Dieter Pauly. A truly historical match.

30 Krag
Vasil Levski (Sofia)
3. Juni 1984
Ergebnis einzeigen1 : 3

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